Ideas and Discoveries
For Your Consideration: Tapworthy iPad Apps at SXSW
Got a second? I need your vote to share my ideas about iPad app design at SXSW. If you’re curious about mobile and tablet app design, you’re gonna dig this talk.
The Twitter Uncertainty Principle: How Tweeting Changes Us
The moment we decide to relay a personal experience to others, the experience itself changes.
How Big Is Big Enough?
O’Reilly Answers recently posted an excerpt from Tapworthy about the ideal size of iPhone tap targets.
Develop iPhone Apps with Staying Power
This week at Mashable, I shared some ideas for extending the (alarmingly brief) lifespan of mobile apps. The secret: content trophies, competition, community, and a dash of emotion.
Designing for iPhone 4's Retina Display
The gorgeous high resolution of iPhone 4 soothes the eye but adds extra legwork for iPhone designers. Here’s the big picture.
Graffiti Compasses, Welcome Mats, and the Art of the Generous Greeting
Web and software designers, take note: Spray-painted compasses in New York illustrate how helpful a thin layer of extra help can be for new arrivals.
Dieter Rams and the Fresh Prince
Will Smith’s cringe-inducing wardrobe of the eighties got me thinking about the difficulty of truly timeless design. Dieter Rams to the rescue.
Tapworthy “Nails a Sea Change” in App Design
Software-startup guru Bob Walsh gives Tapworthy a glowing review and healthy recommendation.
Tips for iPhone Visual Identity
I posted a slew of pointers at O’Reilly Answers for designing a unique visual identity for iPhone apps.
Effortless Ain’t Easy
My new book Tapworthy hits the streets this week. After so much hard work, I hope you find it easy on the eyes and nourishing for the brain.
Local Development: New Technology, New Community
It was a real treat to sit down with John Maeda to talk iPhone apps, economic development, and how to build a community of digital artisans.
Quick Thoughts on Designing for iPad vs iPhone
I had a fun conversation with O’Reilly Online Managing Editor Mac Slocum about the differences designing for iPad vs iPhone.
Just Like Being There
The good folks at SXSW just posted the audio of my talk on Tapworthy app design. Have a listen and follow along with the slides, too.
SXSW, You're Awesome
Back home from South by Southwest, dizzy but energized, ready to get back at it. Here’s a quick recap, plus links to my presentation slides.
Tapworthy App Design at SXSW
I’m in Austin to talk about iPhone interface design on March 15. Come say howdy.
“Curating” SXSW’s iPhone Apps Workshop
As usual, I’m all atingle for South by Southwest, but this year the tingle is especially tingly because I’ll be on the other side of the podium.
Best iPhone Apps: Picks, advice, and resources
Browse this selection of my writings from around the web to help you unlock the full potential of your iPhone or iPod Touch.