Ideas and Discoveries
Your faithful correspondent fell under the browbeating eye of authority on a few recent and essentially trivial occasions, making me think a bit about the effects of control, rule enforcement and tone in my own work.
Design Treasures Found and Lost in the Paris Métro
Tons of cool historical design in the Paris subway is getting gutted.
Paper Cup? Five Bucks, Please
When behind-the-scenes systems replace common sense and customer expectations. A parable at the coffee stand.
Will Work for Magic: Creativity and Play at SXSW
My latest scheme to improve productivity and creative flow: Screw around. Waste time. Make stuff. Banter. Play.
Messin’ with Texas
If you’ll be in Austin for the SXSW Interactive Festival over the next several days, be sure to say howdy.
A Subtle Nose for Coffee, a Taste for Good Design
A coffee tasting leaves a caffeine buzz and a lesson that applies to design, too: In matters of taste, subtlety is everything.
Centaurs and Park Benches: Innovation by Idiosyncrasy
A park bench becomes a subversive design element. Every project needs one.
Gotta Have a Helipad: Banality and Betrayal in Design
A neighborhood landmark gets a garish transformation, and thoughts wander to designer responsibility and online communities.
Buggy Behavior at the Louvre
The Louvre lifts a photo ban, and visitors go insane. A small change in the rules can spark dramatic behavior shifts, not always for the better.
Pay To Play: Fair Price for Good Community
A new bike-sharing program in Paris suggests that a modest fee buys good behavior.
A "Jogcast" for New Runners
My “couch to 5k” training plan for new runners is made even better by Robert Ullrey’s podcast version.
Lightning! Blimps! Submarines! And, um, Machine Tags!
Amid flying tomatoes, lightning strikes and Tardis sightings, much code was hacked at London Hack Day.
Big in Texas
I’m Austin-bound in 2008, thanks to a surprise windfall: free registration at the SXSW conference.
Ghost in the Machine Tag
With Hack Day fast approaching and my gadget-building reveries fading, I’m toying with the idea of making a web gizmo to generate machine tags.
Understanding the Piano
User communities own and define technologies as much or more than the inventors. A piano from 1817 is the perfect example.
Ancient Architecture: The Gods Are in the Details
An Acropolis visit is an object lesson in the value of quiet design decisions amid colossal projects.
Night at the Museum
Nuit des Musées shakes up stodgy preconceptions about museums and reveals them as lively, relevant places.
Heck, Let's Hawk a Hack at Hack Day
I’ll be at Hack Day in London next month. Want to team up to build something outrageous?