The Design System and Your Future Self
On the Style Guide podcast, Josh Clark shares how design systems are a kindness to your future self—and can make sense of emerging interactions, too.
Airlines Redesigning Uniforms Find Out How Complicated It Is
The New York Times considers the commitment, iteration and heavy testing that goes into the design of airline uniforms.
Uncovering Voice UI Design Patterns
Design consultancy Cooper is sharing their emerging best practices for voice interfaces.
Surface Deep
Microsoft’s unconventional Surface Studio PC emerged from design process that is equally unconventional (but shouldn’t be).
So We Redid Our Charts…
Video analytics provider Mux overhauled their data visualizations and shared the process.
design system
A Working Pattern Library
Ethan Marcotte on tailoring a pattern library to the habits of the people who use it.
design system
On Design Systems: Dan Mall of Superfriendly
Dan shares insights about building design systems like true products.
MVP: I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means
“Minimum viable product” somehow got corrupted to mean ”the crummiest thing we can get away with taking to market.” Use the real MVP to make better products and reduce risk.
design system
The Workshop and the Storefront
Brad Frost’s metaphor for pattern libraries and style guides help delineate where design-system work should happen.
design system
“The Style Guide Guide”
Brad Frost released an open-source starter kit for creating a design system’s style guide.
How to Design New Information Environments That Don’t Suck
The worst thing you can do is try to design for every assumed outcome and edge case. Start sturdy and simple.
Facebook’s Perfect, Impossible Chatbot
Facebook is prototyping its omniscient bot by powering it with people, the MIT Technology Review reports.
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Managing Technology-Agnostic Design Systems
Brad Frost tackles the challenge of building a design system that works across different tech frameworks.
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The Full Stack Design System
Intercom’s Emmet Connolly shares terrific thoughts about building holistic design systems but glosses over some key aspects of Atomic Design process.
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Design Systems: Pilots & Scorecards
Dan Mall shares techniques for selecting pilot projects to develop and prove out design decisions for large-scale design systems.
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Style Guide Audience
Brad Frost underscores the value in helping design systems embrace the whole organization.
Your Traffic Went Mobile; Why Hasn’t Your Design Process?
The mobile audience is now twice as big as desktop. Does your organization’s design process reflect that mobile is now your primary platform?
No Share Buttons on Mobile Sites (Except This One Weird Case)
Only 2 out of every 1000 mobile web users ever tap a custom share button. Don’t even bother including them in mobile sites except when users are coming from a social network.