The Workshop and the Storefront
∞ Jun 2, 2017Brad Frost nailed down a pair of mighty useful metaphors for pattern libraries (“workshops”) and design-system style guides (“storefronts”). These are useful because they help delineate what kind of work happens where, which is a recurring source of confusion weâve seen in companies struggling to maintain jumbo design-system projects.
The workshop
Brad created the first version of Pattern Lab when we designed the Techcrunch website back in 2013. That pattern-library software was the first glimpse of his Atomic Design methodology, building design pattern “organisms” out of smaller “atoms” and “molecules.” Pattern Lab has since been open-sourced and remains our go-to tool for developing and sharing websites and full-blown design systems.
Pattern Lab is where all our work comes together. It’s a collaborative environment where information architecture gets stubbed out in the browser, where visual design comes together, where the code gets wrangled, and where content is edited. We share ongoing work inside Pattern Lab with stakeholders and clients. And it’s the final deliverable for web projects, complete with page templates and detailed pattern library. Our projects happen almost entirely inside Pattern Lab.
Our pattern libraries are always a wonderful mess, full of experiments and spare parts and tools.
Brad explains:
While Pattern Lab shares some qualities with style guides (for instance, it shows code snippets and you can add pattern documentation), the environment is really designed for teams to effectively build and work with UI components: the navigation across the top is small and unobtrusive, there are viewport resizing tools to stress-test UI components and pages, weâre able to organize components in a way that makes sense to us as creators (such as using the atomic design methodology), and we can design with dynamic data to ensure patterns are robust, resilient, and serve the needs of the organizationâs applications. Like my wifeâs jewelry workshop, the environment is designed for the design system team to be productive and creative.
This is not, however, an especially friendly place for people outside the working production team. Its organization around atoms, molecules, and organisms isn’t relevant to others; it contains building-block patterns that don’t have much useful meaning on their own; and it contains work-in-progress experiments that aren’t ready for prime time.
So when you’re sharing polished patterns and design systems with a group beyond the production team, you need something more refined. You need…
The storefront
If the pattern library is the workshop, then the design-system style guide is the storefront, as Brad explains:
A style guide is the storefront where all the ingredients of the design system are put out on the shelves. The style guide storefront is designed for a different context than the design/dev environment workshop. Rather than being a tool for only the design systems team to make use of, the style guide communicates the design system to the whole organization. That means the style guide audience should be cross-disciplinary, since a design system can help create a shared vocabulary between all the people who are responsible for the success of the products at the organization. The style guide should provide information helpful for both makers and users of the design system, and should be used as a vehicle to continuously sell the value of the design system to the organization.
This isn’t just a difference in presentation. There’s a difference in core content, too. In our recent projects building out gigantic enterprise design systems, we’ve found that the style guide always presents only a subset of the pattern library. We cherrypick the polished patterns that are ready to share, while excluding most of the experiments and building-block “atoms.”
Behind the scenes, we use Brad’s Style Guide Guide to import selected patterns and templates from Pattern Lab, and then display them in a polished website. (In practice, a simple Grunt task exports the HTML for all patterns, and then copies âem into the style guide directory. Style Guide Guide includes them automagically in pages when it builds its website.)
From there, we add lots of guidelines and documentation to help newcomers make sense of the UX, the visual design, and the underlying markup. The end result is a set of settled solutions for common problems, clearly understandable and ready for production.
Distinct places for distinct jobs
We build patterns in the workshop, and we display the best of them in the storefront, showcasing them in the best possible light.
Too often, though, we see organizations try to force everything into one place. We see workshop pattern libraries trying to do double duty as a canonical design-system reference. Or on the other side, we see pattern libraries set up as static storefront references that live outside a useful working development environment. When these resources set up outside the workflow of designers and developers, they donât get used, they get stale, they become irrelevant.
Following the workshop/storefront modelâand stitching the two together so that one feeds the otherâhas ensured that the design systems we create continue to be used, vital, dynamic.
âAlgorithms Arenât Racist. Your Skin Is Just Too Dark.â
∞ Jun 2, 2017
Joy Buolamwini on on a tear lately. The founder of the Algorithmic Justice League has received well-deserved press from the likes of the BBC and Guardian for her campaign to uncover inadvertent bias in machine-learning algorithms.
At Hackernoon, Buolamwini responds to criticism she received after demonstrating that facial recognition often breaks down for people of color. (Buolamwini, a woman of color, had to put on a white mask before one algorithm would even detect a face.) Some have told Buolamwini that it’s not the algorithm’s fault but rather that cameras are poor at discerning black faces: “Algorithms aren’t racist,” the argument goes. “Your skin is just too dark.”
Good lord. The problem is not with “photography.” If your eye can discern difference, the camera can, too. It’s true that camera technology has historically favored light skin. But that’s less a factor of underlying technology than of the skewed market forces and customer base that shaped early photography. In other words: it was a miserable design decision. For decades, for example, Kodak’s development process for color film was calibrated to photos called “Shirley cards” (named after the first model to pose for them). Shirley cards reflected a decidedly white concept of beauty. “In the early days, all of them were white and often tagged with the word ‘normal,’” NPR reported.
Now we’re carrying this original bias into the machine-learning era. Machine learning excels at determining what’s “normal” and trying to replicate itâor discard outliers. What the machines think is normal depends entirely on the data we feed their models. As the era of the algorithm begins to embrace the whole broad world, it’s urgent that we examine what “normal” really is and work to avoid propagating exclusionary notions of the past by encoding them into our models.
Instead of doing the hard work of creating truly inclusive algorithms, however, some suggest that Buolamwini should instead carry a lighting kit with her:
More than a few observers have recommended that instead of pointing out failures, I should simply make sure I use additional lighting. Silence is not the answer. The suggestion to get more lights to increase illumination in an already lit room is a stop gap solution. Suggesting people with dark skin keep extra lights around to better illuminate themselves misses the point.
Should we change ourselves to fit technology or make technology that fits us?
Who has to take extra steps to make technology work? Who are the default settings optimized for?
As always with emerging technologies, our challenge is making tech bend to our lives instead of the reverse. It’s profoundly unfair to make some lives bend more than others.
For designers, the arrival of the algorithm era introduces UX research challenges at an unprecedented scale. A big emerging job of design is to help identify where the prevailing definition of “normal” is flawed, and then move heaven and earth to make sure the data models embrace a new, more inclusive definition of normal. That is where we need to add more light.
The Future of the UX Designer
∞ Jun 1, 2017Designer Anton Sten ponders the future role of digital designers in a world of more and more Alexas, Siris, and other non-visual interfaces. His conclusion is that much more of our work will be about designing for what goes wrong:
As technology offers us more and more options and possibilities, our work as UX-designers will grow to include even more edge-cases. As our acceptance of friction with these services continues to decrease, our work will increasingly need to include more ‘what if’ scenarios.
I agree, and I’m excited about this. Instead of etching buttons and controls for flows that we wholly control, I see our work evolving into the anticipation of scenarios that spin out of machine-generated content and interaction.
How will we handle the weird, the odd, the unexpected, and the wrong? These are exciting challenges, and they mean designing the experience and expectations around the interaction that the machines themselves create. Among other things, we have to help systems be smart enough to know when they’re not smart enough.
Lori Richmond Started #ViewFromMyRun To Merge Her Two Passions
∞ Jun 1, 2017So happy and proud for my studiomate Lori Richmond, a marvelous illustrator who’s also become an impressive runner over the last several months. Only a year after taking up running, Lori was just featured in Runner’s World—for her inspired illustration project.
Here’s the concept: after every training run, Lori draws or paints a scene she saw. And she executes it in exactly the time it took her to finish that run.
Short runs get quick impressions:
…while long runs get tons of attention and detail:
Lori’s been posting all of these at her @loririchmonddraws Instagram account. And Runner’s World took notice, which is super-fun recognition for a new runner who’s already logged four half marathons. (Her goal is to run a half marathon in each of New York’s five boroughs.)
“I got kicked out of gym in the 6th grade because I was SO un-athletic,” Lori posted in our studio Slack channel. “The art kids will always come back for you!!”
“The Style Guide Guide”
∞ May 15, 2017At An Event Apart today, Brad Frost announced the release of “The Style Guide Guide,” a boilerplate template for building style guides for design systems. It’s a terrific starter kit, cribbing the information architecture we’ve found to be most successful in our work on big enterprise design systems.
The Style Guide Guide imports and displays design-pattern HTML from a separate pattern library. Anytime there’s a change in the underlying code of the patterns, the style guide picks it up—always up to date. From there, The Style Guide Guide mixes in your documentation, usage guidelines, and design principles. Because those are entered in Markdown, it’s easy for a whole team to contribute documentation and guidelines, with a very low technical barrier to entry
Brad, Dan, Ian, and I have been using The Style Guide Guide alongside Pattern Lab in our last few design-system projects. It’s proven to be a highly collaborative environment for creating and sharing a design system. (Stay tuned, Brad promises a blog post to walk you through the integration with Pattern Lab, very cool.)
No Need for Alarm About How Neural Nets Work
∞ May 1, 2017Albert Wenger writes that concerns about “black box” algorithms are overwrought. (See here and here for more about these concerns.) It’s okay, Wenger says, if we can’t follow or audit the logic of the machines, even in life-and-death contexts like healthcare or policing. We often have that same lack of insight into the way humans make decisions, he says—and so perhaps we can adapt our current error prevention to the machines:
It all comes down to understanding failure modes and guarding against them.
For instance, human doctors make wrong diagnoses. One way we guard against that is by getting a second opinion. Turns out we have used the same technique in complex software systems. Get multiple systems to compute something and act only if their outputs agree. This approach is immediately and easily applicable to neural networks.
Other failure modes include hidden biases and malicious attacks (manipulation). Again these are no different than for humans and for existing software systems. And we have developed mechanisms for avoiding and/or detecting these issues, such as statistical analysis across systems.
Not OK, Google
∞ May 1, 2017Ben Thompson reacts to Google’s latest effort to bury fake news and hate speech. In particular, he throws a flag on Google’s plan to favor “authoritative” sources—and especially on the fact that Google will almost certainly not reveal what grants a site this privileged status.
Google is going to be making decisions about who is authoritative and who is not, which is another way of saying that Google is going to be making decisions about what is true and what is not, and that demands more transparency, not less.
For better or worse, of course, Google is our de facto truth machine. Most of the world turns to its search engine to answer a question. That’s what makes this whole situation so thorny: as the world’s primary source for facts, Google must be more discerning than it is now. And yet the act of being more discerning amplifies its influence even more.
Perhaps the most unanticipated outcome of the unfettered nature of the Internet is that the sheer volume of information didn’t disperse influence, but rather concentrated it to a far greater degree than ever before, not to those companies that handle distribution (because distribution is free) but to those few that handle discovery.
How to Design New Information Environments That Donât Suck
∞ May 1, 2017Jorge Arango conjures Gall’s Law, the 40-year-old dictum of systems design that remains as relevant as ever:
âA complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.â â John Gall
Every ambitious project launches amid a thicket of fears and grand hopes. The worst thing you can do is try to design for all those assumed outcomes (let alone the edge cases). Start with a sturdy but simple system and build from there as you learn. As Jorge writes, that’s the appeal (and necessity) of the MVP:
When the product is real and can be tested, it can (and should) evolve towards something more complex. But baking complexity into the first release is a costly mistake. (Note I didnât say it âcan beâ. Itâs guaranteed.) CEO Neil Vogel at Business Insider
∞ Apr 26, 2017
“I’m not going to be the guy who ruined,” CEO Neil Vogel told Business Insider. “It’s already ruined, so this is all upside here.”
Vogel was referring to his plans to retire the brand next week, on May 2. is one of the most venerable Internet properties out there, over two decades old and still one of the top 100 by traffic. The content will live on, but across several different verticals, none of which will carry the name. is dead; long live
Shutting down that brand might have the ring of failure, but it turns out it’s a pretty remarkable turnaround story. I’ve been lucky enough to see that turnaround up close.
A few years ago, Google’s algorithm started treating the general-interest site as a content farm, and the site’s search ranking plummeted. At the same time, advertisers were backing out, preferring more targeted sites over (WebMD, for example, instead of’s Health section). Fortunes were not looking good.
In early 2016, Big Medium teamed up with to create new vertical brands out of content. We crafted the brands, designed the sites, and helped revamp the company’s design process. Over the past year, we designed three verticals and advised on the branding for a fourth. These verticals took’s enormous library of how-to content, dusted it off, and wrapped it in premium, branded sites.
The first one was Verywell, a health vertical:
Health is our most valuable, most-trafficked, biggest vertical, so we came up with an idea. Our content is very much in the style of like WebMD or Everyday Health. But we thought those sites, we just didn’t think they have served a market need. We thought that we could make a beautiful, kinder, gentler health site. You go to these some of other sites with a headache, you think you have a brain tumor. You come to us with a headache, we’re going to make your headache feel better and explain why you had a headache and make it better. That was the thesis.
So we took our 100,000 pieces of health content of, threw 50,000 in the garbage because they were old. We didn’t like them. The other 50 [thousand] were read by our writers. If it was medical information; it was read by a doctor. We had 30,000 pieces of content read by physicians, edited, cleaned up. Built a brand-new site from scratch, a new taxonomy for our content, put it on the site.
We did that. We built this beautiful new site from scratch, everything from scratch.
Together we created the new brand, cleaned up the information architecture, and importantly got rid of a ton of cheap advertising. With fewer ads per page and a new premium brand, traffic skyrocketed and revenue soared.
I think we had 8 million uniques when we started a month, I think we have 17 million uniques now to Very Well. So we’ve pretty much doubled in size in 12 months. We’re by far the fastest-growing thing in the health space. I think we’re No. 4 or 5 on comScore on health because our bet was right …
We knew that this would work. Then we launched something in the summer. Ran a very similar playbook on our personal-finance content called The Balance, which has pretty much doubled in traffic since we launched it this summer. We launched something called Lifewire in November, which is our evergreen-content tech site — how to fix my router, how to unbrick my iPhone. We launched three weeks ago, about a month ago something called The Spruce, which is the third-biggest home site on the internet, only behind HGTV and the Hearst Brands. We had such scale on About, that we’re launching these new brands into the world that are new to the space with no legacy issues, look like start ups, but all of a sudden, like we’re top 10 in comScore because we’re coming with such scale. The market’s like, "What? Where did you guys come from?"
It was a treat to work with the whole crew at There’s a lot of experience under that roof, and it’s been amazing to help release so much pent-up potential.
Vogel says that the name will finally be retired next week to be replaced with a new brand name.
Dan Mall on
∞ Apr 26, 2017
Over at, my pal and collaborator Dan Mall shares the goods on what it takes to be a world-class indie designer. Dan is not only one of the most talented designers I know, he’s also one of the most generous, openly sharing his hard-earned wisdom of making it work in this industry.
Here’s Dan on the early days of starting his design collaborative SuperFriendly:
I figured out what I was really good at, I figured out what I was good at that I didn’t want to do. I figured out what I was bad at. I figured out what I was bad at that actaully clients were asking for, so I should get better at that stuff.…
The ability to be a generalist is really important for a freelancer. When you’re working by yourself, you’re the CEO but you’re also the janitor. You’ve gotta take care of the plants, too.…
There’s an interesting time in the life of a freelancer when you decide, “I want to team up with somebody, or collaborate with somebody, or hire somebody to do the jobs that I’m not particularly good at.”
I’m very honored to be one of those collaborators—and very happy that Dan is so freakin’ good at so many of the jobs that I’m not good at.
The Humans Hiding Behind the Chatbots
∞ Apr 24, 2017Ellen Huet, writing for Bloomberg, peeks in on the worklife of the people who backstop the bots by reviewing answers and frequently stepping in to provide their own. They are the “humans pretending to be robots pretending to be humans.”
Huet talked to people who filled this role at two services that automate calendar scheduling, and Clara, and I t doesn’t sound like the world’s most fulfilling work:
Calvin said he sometimes sat in front of a computer for 12 hours a day, clicking and highlighting phrases. “It was either really boring or incredibly frustrating,” he said. “It was a weird combination of the exact same thing over and over again and really frustrating single cases of a person demanding something we couldn’t provide.”
As another former trainer put it, he wasn’t worried about his job being replaced by a bot. It was so boring he was actually looking forward to not having to do it anymore.
I’m confident that putting people in the bot role is the right way to prototype bot services with very small trial audiences. It lets you hone your understanding of what people actually want and build a good set of training data as well as the voice and tone of the service. But it’s also clear that this kind of work—focusing relentlessly and mind-numbingly on the same narrow micro-interaction—is not meant for long-term job roles.
This is why people are trying to automate this stuff in the first place. The risk is that, during the transition, the tedium of modeling this automation will fall heavily and narrowly on a small group who wind up working for the bots, rather than the reverse. How might we avoid making this the future of work?
Climbing Out Of Facebook's Reality Hole
∞ Apr 22, 2017BuzzFeed’s Mat Honan takes a world-weary view of Facebook’s unsurprisingly boosterish presentation of new technologies at the company’s F8 show. In particular, he’s disappointed the company didn’t do more to acknowledge the potential for abuse in this new tech:
The problem with connecting everyone on the planet is that a lot of people are assholes. The issue with giving just anyone the ability to live broadcast to a billion people is that someone will use it to shoot up a school. You have to plan for these things. You have to build for the reality we live in, not the one we hope to create. â¦
Executive after executive took the F8 stage to show off how these effects will manifest themselves in the real world. Deborah Liu, who runs Facebookâs monetization efforts, encouraged the audience to âimagine all the possibilitiesâ as she ran through demos of a café where people could leave Yelp-style ratings tacked up in the air and discoverable with a phone, or a birthday message she generated on top of an image of her daughter, while noting that with digital effects, âI can make her birthday even more meaningful.â
And yet the dark human history of forever makes it certain that people will also use these same tools to attack and abuse and harass and lie. They will leave bogus reviews of restaurants to which theyâve never been, attacking pizzerias for pedophilia. If anyone can create a mask, some people will inevitably create ones that are hateful. â¦
But Facebook made no nods to this during its keynote â and realistically maybe itâs naive to expect the company to do so. But it would be reassuring to know that Facebook is at least thinking about the world as it is, that it is planning for humans to be humans in all their brutish ways. A simple âweâre already considering ways people can and will abuse these tools and you can trust us to stay on top of thatâ would go a long way.
I like that. Simply acknowledging potential problemsâand stating your resolve in solving themâis a way to make your values clear and to start to bake them into the product and organization, too.
Facebook’s Perfect, Impossible Chatbot
∞ Apr 22, 2017At MIT Technology Review, Tom Simonite writes about Facebook’s efforts to make its automated assistant M answer pretty much any request that comes its way, not matter how obscure. And for a very small group of beta testers, the bot actually works, delivering results so good you’d swear you were talking to a human being. Because you are.
M is so smart because it cheats. It works like Siri in that when you tap out a message to M, algorithms try to figure out what you want. When they can’t, though, M doesn’t fall back on searching the Web or saying “I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question.” Instead, a human being invisibly takes over, responding to your request as if the algorithms were still at the helm. (Facebook declined to say how many of those workers it has, or to make M available to try.)
That design is too expensive to scale to the 1.2 billion people who use Facebook Messenger, so Facebook offered M to a few thousand users in 2015 as a kind of semi-public R&D project. Entwining human workers and algorithms was intended to reveal how people would react to an omniscient virtual assistant, and to provide data that would let the algorithms learn to take over the work of their human “trainers.”
This is the way I’ve been prototyping chatbots, too: start with simple human-to-human interactions.
I’m a big fan of this kind of prototype that put people where the pipes will eventually go. In a way, Uber is a similar prototype for self-driving cars: until the robots get the go-ahead to drive on their own, we’ll put a human in the driver’s seat and automate the rest of the experience (calling a car, giving directions, paying the tab).
When you’re trying out new interactions for untested or emerging technologies, the best MVP is often no tech at all. Powering a bot with people instead of artificial intelligence gets you early info about what people want, how they respond, and the kind of language to use. It proves out the demand of the service, hints at the shape it should take, and offers training data to give to the bots down the road.
Eventually the AI steps in. At Facebook, they’re still trying to use all that data to train the bots well enough so that they can take over. Simonite shares some of the techniques the M team is using, with mixed results. Even though machine-learning breakthroughs are coming fast and furious, the holy grail of broad and instant natural-language understanding is still tantalizingly out of reach. “Sometimes we say this is three years, or five years,“ M’s leader Laurent Landowski told Simonite. ”But maybe it’s 10 years or more.”
Instant Recall
∞ Apr 22, 2017Writing for The Verge, Casey Newton reports that publishers are abandoning Facebook’s Instant Articles format:
Two years after it launched, a platform that aspired to build a more stable path forward for journalism appears to be declining in relevance. At the same time that Instant Articles were being designed, Facebook was beginning work on the projects that would ultimately undermine it. Starting in 2015, the company’s algorithms began favoring video over other content types, diminishing the reach of Instant Articles in the feed. The following year, Facebook’s News Feed deprioritized article links in favor of posts from friends and family. The arrival this month of ephemeral stories on top of the News Feed further de-emphasized the links on which many publishers have come to depend.
In discussions with Facebook executives, former employees, publishers, and industry observers, a portrait emerges of a product that never lived up to the expectations of the social media giant, or media companies. After scrambling to rebuild their workflows around Instant Articles, large publishers were left with a system that failed to grow audiences or revenues.
Building a business on top of someone else’s platform offers little control or visibility—and ties your fortunes to their priorities, not your own. Newton writes that many publishers are instead throwing in with Google’s AMP platform, which feels like a frying-pan-to-fire maneuver.
Our Machines Now Have Knowledge We’ll Never Understand
∞ Apr 22, 2017David Weinberger considers what it means that machines now construct their own models for understanding data, quite divorced from our own (more simplistic) models. “The nature of computer-based justification is not at all like human justification. It is alien,” Weinberger writes. "But ‘alien’ doesn’t mean ‘wrong.’ When it comes to understanding how things are, the machines may be closer to the truth than we humans ever could be.”
The complexity of this alien logic often makes it completely opaque to humans—even those who program it. If we can’t understand the basis of machine-delivered “truths,” Weinberger suggests, they become categorically different from what we’ve always considered to be “knowledge”:
Clearly our computers have surpassed us in their power to discriminate, find patterns, and draw conclusions. That’s one reason we use them. Rather than reducing phenomena to fit a relatively simple model, we can now let our computers make models as big as they need to. But this also seems to mean that what we know depends upon the output of machines the functioning of which we cannot follow, explain, or understand. … If knowing has always entailed being able to explain and justify our true beliefs — Plato’s notion, which has persisted for over two thousand years — what are we to make of a new type of knowledge, in which that task of justification is not just difficult or daunting but impossible? …
One reaction to this could be to back off from relying upon computer models that are unintelligible to us so that knowledge continues to work the way that it has since Plato. This would mean foreswearing some types of knowledge. We foreswear some types of knowledge already: The courts forbid some evidence because allowing it would give police an incentive for gathering it illegally. Likewise, most research institutions require proposed projects to go through an institutional review board to forestall otherwise worthy programs that might harm the wellbeing of their test subjects.
This is super-intriguing: what are the circumstances where the stakes are so high that we simply can’t allow ourselves to trust the conclusions of our machines, not matter how confident we may be in the algorithm? When it comes to “forbidden” areas of machine-learning models, Weinberger points out credit agencies are already forbidden from tying certain predictive models to credit scores. If the machines decide that certain races, religions or ethnicities are prone to lower or higher credit scores, for example, credit agencies are legally forbidden from acting on that info.
The reason this is a dangerous area is because the machines’ conclusions are only as valuable as the training data we feed to them. And that training data depends on the perspective (and bias) of the folks who collect it:
For example, a system that was trained to evaluate the risks posed by individuals up for bail let hardened white criminals out while keeping in jail African Americans with less of a criminal record. The system was learning from the biases of the humans whose decisions were part of the data. The system the CIA uses to identify targets for drone strikes initially suggested a well-known Al Jazeera journalist because the system was trained on a tiny set of known terrorists. Human oversight is obviously still required, especially when we’re talking about drone strikes instead of categorizing cucumbers.
We’re still in the early days of what this oversight and machine-human partnership might look like, but we’re going to have to learn fast. Machine learning has suddenly become inexpensive and accessible to a whole range of organizations and uses, and we see it everywhere. This revolution has revealed the complexity of everyday systems at the same time that it’s let us cut right through them through the capacity and speed of modern computing—even if we don’t understand how we got there.
Where once we saw simple laws operating on relatively predictable data, we are now becoming acutely aware of the overwhelming complexity of even the simplest of situations. Where once the regularity of the movement of the heavenly bodies was our paradigm, and life’s constant unpredictable events were anomalies — mere “accidents,” a fine Aristotelian concept that differentiates them from a thing’s “essential” properties — now the contingency of all that happens is becoming our paradigmatic example.
This is bringing us to locate knowledge outside of our heads. We can only know what we know because we are deeply in league with alien tools of our own devising. Our mental stuff is not enough.
Plainness and Sweetness
∞ Apr 15, 2017Frank Chimero mulls the beauty of the plain and the normal in design. I like the implicit humility Frank suggests in designs that root their beauty in the quiet satisfaction of their function—not “an overly accentuated, hyper-specific identity”:
I am for a design that’s like vanilla ice cream: simple and sweet, plain without being austere. It should be a base for more indulgent experiences on the occasions they are needed, like adding chocolate chips and cookie dough. Yet these special occassions are rare. A good vanilla ice cream is usually enough. I don’t wish to be dogmatic—every approach has its place, but sometimes plainness needs defending in a world starved for attention and wildly focused on individuality. Here is a reminder: the surest way forward is usually a plain approach done with close attention to detail. You can refine the normal into the sophisticated by pursuing clarity and consistency. Attentiveness turns the normal artful.
Algorithm-Driven Design: How AI is Changing Design
∞ Apr 15, 2017Designer Yury Vetrov collected this wide-ranging set of algorithm-driven design projects. Spin through for a glimpse at the emerging role of machine learning in everyday digital design.
Examples include automated web designs from The Grid CMS and Wix, as well as the machine-generated page layouts at Vox and Flipboard. There are also bot-built logos, type pairings, image generators, content-aware photo croppers, and more.
Lots to see and learn here about how designers will collaborate with our robot overlords.
The Crisis of Attention Theft
∞ Apr 15, 2017Consider, for example, the âinnovationâ known as Gas Station TVâthat is, the televisions embedded in gasoline pumps that blast advertising and other pseudo-programming at the captive pumper. There is no escape: as the CEO of Gas Station TV puts it, âWe like to say youâre tied to that screen with an 8-foot rubber hose for about five minutes.â It is an invention that singlehandedly may have created a new case for the electric car.
Attention theft happens anywhere you find your time and attention taken without consent. The most egregious examples are found where, like at the gas station, we are captive audiences. In that genre are things like the new, targeted advertising screens found in hospital waiting rooms (broadcasting things like âThe Newborn Channelâ for expecting parents); the airlines that play full-volume advertising from a screen right in front of your face; the advertising-screens in office elevators; or that universally unloved invention known as âTaxi TV.â
What to do about ad screens that are imposed on us in these captive scenarios? Wu suggests towns and cities have managed this problem before:
In the 1940s cities banned noisy advertising trucks bearing loudspeakers; the case against advertising screens and sound-trucks is basically the same. It is a small thing cities and towns can do to make our age of bombardment a bit more bearable.