So happy and proud for my studiomate Lori Richmond, a marvelous illustrator who’s also become an impressive runner over the last several months. Only a year after taking up running, Lori was just featured in Runner’s World—for her inspired illustration project.

Here’s the concept: after every training run, Lori draws or paints a scene she saw. And she executes it in exactly the time it took her to finish that run.

Short runs get quick impressions:

…while long runs get tons of attention and detail:

Lori’s been posting all of these at her @loririchmonddraws Instagram account. And Runner’s World took notice, which is super-fun recognition for a new runner who’s already logged four half marathons. (Her goal is to run a half marathon in each of New York’s five boroughs.)

“I got kicked out of gym in the 6th grade because I was SO un-athletic,” Lori posted in our studio Slack channel. “The art kids will always come back for you!!”

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