sentient design
A.I., Snake Oil, and Miracle-Cure Expectations
Be distrustful when AI is hyped as a cure-all—but don’t assume it’s useless just because it doesn’t live up to outlandish promises.
sentient design
A.I. Is Your New Design Material
Discover the opportunities to use machine-generated content, insight, and interaction as design material in your everyday work.
sentient design
Design in the Era of the Algorithm
Machine learning is technology’s new frontier, and designers have a crucial part to play. Josh Clark explores our new roles and responsibilities when we design for the machines.
sentient design
Systems Smart Enough To Know When They're Not Smart Enough
Google and others offer wrong answers with matter-of-fact authority. How can designers build stronger signals of trust into data-driven interfaces?
The Google Pixel 3 Is A Very Good Phone. But Maybe Phones Have Gone Too Far.
Mat Honan’s review of the Google Pixel 3 smartphone is a funny, harrowing, real-talk look at the devices that have come to govern our lives.
Google Data Collection Research
A study of Android phones found that Google collects location information 340 times during a 24-hour period from a dormant stationary phone. It goes way up with actual interaction.
AI Is Harder Than You Think
It seems the culmination of artificial intelligence is making salon appointments. In the New York Times, Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis say today’s data-crunching model for AI not panning out.
Google Duplicitous
With the announcement of Google Duplex, Jeremy Keith wonders whether the machines augment us, or whether we now work for the machines.
Google Will No Longer Scan Gmail for Ad Targeting
…but the New York Times reminds that Google will continue reading your email for other purposes.
If Google Teaches an AI to Draw, Will That Help It Think?
Alexis Madrigal considers the creative future of machine-generated sketches—and what it teaches us about how humans think, too.
Not OK, Google
As Google tries to become more discerning about “authoritative” sources, the search giant reinforces its power and influence.
Google Launches New Effort To Flag Upsetting or Offensive Content in Search
Search Engine Land reports that its 10,000 human reviewers will start flagging offensive content in an effort to train the algorithm what hate speech looks like.
The Most Successful Interface Design of All Time
Erika Hall: in 20 years, the fundamental design of Google’s entry page is virtually unchanged.
Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data
Google has begun offloading some of its machine learning to mobile devices to keep your private data… private.
Fact Check Now Available in Google Search and News
Google’s move to highlight fact-checking sites may be a promising step in identifying hostile information zones in search results.
Mobile Web: Back To the Future
At mobiForge, Ronan Cremin suggests AMP takes us back to a pre-responsive-design world. He may be right, but publishers are choosing that path for the wrong reasons.
AMP: breaking news
Google’s AMP platform recklessly devalues the URL, aggravating the erosion of trust in the fourth estate.
Asymco: The Post PC Era as Explained by Developer Events
A stark example of how quickly new platforms generate enthusiasm along with an appetite for learning and community among developers.