sentient design
Has the “AI Edge” Become a Dull Blade?
Today’s cutting-edge technology is becoming tomorrow’s ho-hum office tool. And that’s a good thing.
design system
The Most Exciting Design Systems Are Boring
Design systems should solve problems that designers confront over and over again, so that they can turn to more interesting challenges.
A Unified Theory of F*cks
Mandy Brown reminds that work won’t love you back. Give your heart to the living, not to institutions.
A Coder Considers the Waning Days of the Craft
Writer and programmer James Somers shares his personal journey discovering just how good AI is at writing code—and what this might mean both individually and for the industry.
Do More with Less: Digital Leadership in Lean Times
Josh Clark shares nine principles to guide high-performing teams to deliver faster/better/cheaper in an era of shrinking budgets.
“Pair Curiosity with Generosity”
Josh Clark joins Phil Burgess on the IT Career Energizer podcast to talk about crafting a healthy and fulfilling career in the industry.
The Tools I Use
Josh Clark shares his personal toolkit for making things happen, part of An Event Apart’s “The Tools We Use” series.
The Pop-Up Employer: Build a Team, Do the Job, Say Goodbye
Noam Scheiber reports on algorithms that seek to build an entire organization for you with a click.
Politics Are a Design Constraint
John Warren Hanawalt writes that software design is inherently political. Make sure that your software’s politics line up with your own.
Dan Mall on
My pal and collaborator Dan Mall shares the goods on what it takes to be a world-class indie designer.
The Difference a Decade Makes
On the 10th birthday of An Event Apart, I looked back at what I was doing a decade ago—and what’s changed.
I ♥ UX Design
“What designer has the most elaborate, the most complex, the most beautiful job in the world? It’s the user experience designer, a very special species indeed!”
Effortless Ain’t Easy
My new book Tapworthy hits the streets this week. After so much hard work, I hope you find it easy on the eyes and nourishing for the brain.
Marathons, Makers, and Surviving the Dark Middle
In the dark middle of the race, runners need encouragement, reminders that they’re strong, that the finish is ahead: plausible, real, within reach.
My Latest Project: A Book
I signed a contract last month with O’Reilly to write a book about Apple’s iWork software, and I couldn’t be more tickled.
Future of Web Apps: Finding Light in Dark Times
An uncertain economy makes it a good time for web workers to return to good-for-the-web core values.