Natural Gesture Language for Smartwatches
Big Medium worked with Samsung to prototype a natural-gesture language for smartwatches: snap your hand or flick your finger to control your digital life.
from the lab
Shake Music from your Phone to your PC
Happy Together is a prototype app that lets you transfer data or media by shaking it out of your phone.
Touch Means a New Chance for Radial Menus
Radial menus are suddenly in vogue, but it’s not just passing fashion. For touch, this is good interaction design.
“Buttons Were an Inspired UI Hack, but Now We’ve Got Better Options”
The good folks at O’Reilly interviewed me this week about how new technologies change how we should think about interface design as both consumers and designers.
A Day Made of Glass
The folks at Corning put together a heckuva concept video that peeks into the near future of touchscreen interfaces.
Gestures in #NewNewTwitter
Big changes are afoot in the new Twitter app for iPhone, with both good and bad things happening with the app’s gesture interactions. Here’s a hard look.
Icons for Teaching Touch
“Cue” is a clever set of icons for teaching touch. Designer P.J. Onori created the icons for mobile interfaces or wireframes to prompt touch interactions, and they take [a fresh point of view on the challenge]
Apple, Kindly Remove Your OS Gestures from My App Canvas
With iOS 5, iPad gets welcome app-switching gestures. But touch actions that should be limited to the edges are encroaching on app real estate.
Buttons Are a Hack
Designing for touch means creating direct interactions that shed three decades of abstract desktop metaphors. As designers, that means we have some deprogramming to do.