sentient design
A.I. Is Your New Design Material
Discover the opportunities to use machine-generated content, insight, and interaction as design material in your everyday work.
sentient design
Design in the Era of the Algorithm
Machine learning is technology’s new frontier, and designers have a crucial part to play. Josh Clark explores our new roles and responsibilities when we design for the machines.
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: How AI Will Affect UX Design
Adobe profiled and interviewed Big Medium’s Josh Clark about the opportunities and challenges facing UX designers in a world of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Introducing Structured Outputs in the API
The more that AI models can reliably return structured data, the more we can design interoperable and radically adaptive experiences with them.
The Technology We Deserve
Smart gadgets often abuse their trust or overreach their capabilities. A personal list of favorite fitness devices yields some principles for good product design.
sentient design
You’re Not Late to Machine Learning
If you’re worried that you’re behind in getting in on machine learning, never fear: AI has not so much come of age as reached an awkward adolescence. You’re right on time.
Inmates in Finland are training AI as part of prison labor
Grooming data for the machines has a human cost.
sentient design
Why Machine Learning and AI Matter for Design Teams
There’s a critical role for design in the era of the algorithm—and your organization almost certainly has what it needs to jump in today.
Apple Used to Know Exactly What People Wanted — Then It Made a Watch
In The New York Times, John Herrmann observes that it’s not yet clear how Apple Watch’s health-tracking delivers value—or for whom.
Facebook Is Giving Advertisers Access to Your Shadow Contact Information
At Gizmodo, Kashmir Hill describes how your friends inadvertently give up your data to companies even when you don’t participate in their service.
Google Data Collection Research
A study of Android phones found that Google collects location information 340 times during a 24-hour period from a dormant stationary phone. It goes way up with actual interaction.
AI Is Harder Than You Think
It seems the culmination of artificial intelligence is making salon appointments. In the New York Times, Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis say today’s data-crunching model for AI not panning out.
Designing with Artificial Intelligence: The Dinosaur on a Surfboard
On the Presentable podcast, Josh Clark joins Jeff Veen to consider the role for designers in a world of algorithms and machine learning.
Toy Story Lessons for the Internet of Things
Dan Gärdenfors ponders how to handle “leadership conflicts” in IoT devices.
sentient design
AI First—with UX
AI assistants have trouble understanding user context, Mike Loukides writes, and that’s a tasty UX problem.
Making Software with Casual Intelligence
Evan Prodromou observes that artificial intelligence may have the most impact in jillions of incremental little interventions and improvements, not just moonshot projects.
In a Few Years, No Investors Are Going To Be Looking for AI Startups
VC Frank Chen writes that machine learning and artificial intelligence will be the humdrum norm in short order.
So We Redid Our Charts…
Video analytics provider Mux overhauled their data visualizations and shared the process.