What happens when you weave intelligence into digital interfaces? Instead of thinking of AI as a tool or as a thing that “makes stuff,” consider it a design material for intelligent interfaces and radically adaptive experiences. Sentient Design is the form, framework, and philosophy for creating these intelligent interfaces—AI-mediated experiences that are conceived in real time to match user needs and intent.
Join Josh Clark and Veronika Kindred for a lively introduction to this new chapter of experience design. In this free three-part video series with Rosenfeld Media, the authors of Sentient Design take you from eye-opening possibilities to practical techniques, sharing strategies to use machine intelligence to craft experiences that are at once powerful, responsible, and effective.
This free video series comes in three episodes:
- Sentient Design, AI, and the Radically Adaptive Experience
- New Postures for AI-Mediated Experiences
- New Design Patterns for Sentient Design Experiences
Watch the complete series with a free membership to the UX community of Rosenfeld Media, publisher of the Sentient Design book.
1. Radically Adaptive Experiences
What happens when interfaces adapt not just their content but their entire structure and interaction model to match the immediate moment? Explore how the radically adaptive experiences of Sentient Design are pushing beyond traditional interface models to create experiences that shift and respond to individual needs in real time.
2. The New Postures of AI-Mediated Experiences
How do you get your head around all the different machine-intelligent experiences available to you as a designer? How do you develop an intuition for how and when to use each interaction paradigm? Sentient Design offers a framework for exploring and organizing these new experience patterns, or “postures”—the way each kind of experience positions itself in relation to the user. Within the broad postures of tools, chat, agents, and copilots, discover 14 new experience patterns. More than just distinct functionality, each has its own interaction style, communication manner, and user expectations.
3. New Design Patterns for New Experiences
Discover the emerging UI patterns and techniques that address the unique challenges—and opportunities—of radically adaptive experiences. You’ll uncover emerging best practices that build trust, engage critical thinking, and help users develop healthy mental models for working alongside intelligent interfaces.
Is your organization trying to understand the role of AI in your mission and practice? We can help! Big Medium does design, development, and product strategy for AI-mediated experiences; we facilitate Sentient Design sprints; we teach AI workshops; and we offer executive briefings. Get in touch to learn more.