When will AI Replace Us?
Kevin Coyle addresses and subdues fears about AI taking out jobs. (Spoiler: This isn’t a new problem.) Instead, he shows how your new robot colleagues can help you do your job even better—right now, today.
design system
Thoughts on a Global Design System
Chris Coyier shares some tough-love critique on Brad Frost’s call to action for a global design system—a great framing for the conversation to come.
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A Global Design System
Big Medium’s Brad Frost issues a call to action to create a Global Design System of common UI components. What would this look like, and what would it mean for you?
Can AI Bridge the Dev/Design Gap?
Big Medium’s Kevin Coyle explores how AI can improve collaboration between product management, frontend and backend development, and design. Kevin shows how AI can bring us together instead of replacing or isolating us.
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Is Atomic Design Dead?
Brad Frost explores today’s design system ecosystem and peeks into the exciting future of design systems. (Spoiler: Atomic Design is going stronger than ever, thank you very much.)
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The Design System Ecosystem
Brad Frost explores the landscape of a mature, end-to-end design system for big, complex organizations. Discover all the moving pieces and how they hang together.
Design Systems: Mastering Design at Scale
In this InVision video series, Brad Frost, Dan Mall, and Josh Clark share their know-how to help you build and use a design system.
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The Workshop and the Storefront
Brad Frost’s metaphor for pattern libraries and style guides help delineate where design-system work should happen.
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“The Style Guide Guide”
Brad Frost released an open-source starter kit for creating a design system’s style guide.
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Managing Technology-Agnostic Design Systems
Brad Frost tackles the challenge of building a design system that works across different tech frameworks.
Web Performance Optimization Stats
WPO Stats collects stats that demonstrate the business value of faster websites.
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Style Guide Audience
Brad Frost underscores the value in helping design systems embrace the whole organization.
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Atomic Design
Brad Frost just published his marvelous book Atomic Design, and it was my honor to pen the foreword with our friend and collaborator Dan Mall.
3.1 Million Pixels Are Heavy
If you want to take advantage of the new iPad’s gorgeous screen (and of course you do), every image you push down the wire is about to put on a ton of weight. That has implications in lots of places and for lots of people.
“Don't Confuse Context with Intent”
In an interview with Webdesigner Depot, I shared some future-friendly thinking about adapting to the needs of a whole universe of connected devices.
Mobile Web vs Native App: Give It a Rest
This isn’t a matchup at all. Providing a great experience almost certainly means that you’ll build both web and native-app solutions. We’re all in this together, friends.
Responsive Web Design or Separate Mobile Site? Eh. It Depends.
Geeks love black-and-white answers, but the same rule applies to the mobile web as every other technology: use the right tool for the job.
No Pain, No Pain: The “Couch to 5K” and Humane Design
I wrote the “C25K” training program for new runners over a decade ago. Its philosophy overlaps neatly with my philosophy of software design.