The Damaging Fiction of the Wellness Industrial Complex™
The unlikely pairing of capitalism and wellness has insidious effects, Liza Kindred writes. There are parallels for UX here, too.
Facebook Gives Workers a Chatbot to Appease That Prying Uncle
Facebook sent employees home for the holidays with robot talking points for their families.
QR Codes Are Footnotes, Not Ads
Go figure, but pulling someone through a QR code means we have to give people information they actually want or need.
Making Stuff
The iPad is a device suited for sitting or reclining, which certainly makes it a device of contemplation, and yep, that’s the perfect state of mind for reading or watching a movie. But it’s a mistake to think of it as “only” a new-fangled book or tv screen. Contemplation is not the same as passivity.
Belly Flop: Retailers Dive into Mobile Ecommerce
A measly 12 percent of the top 500 US online retailers have mobile websites. Many who do have mobile sites are fumbling with misguided attempts to create lite versions of the “real” website.