How Josh Clark Invented “Couch to 5K” and Helped Millions Start Running
Big Medium’s Josh Clark created the exercise schedule that got the world running. The BBC tells the story.
The Technology We Deserve
Smart gadgets often abuse their trust or overreach their capabilities. A personal list of favorite fitness devices yields some principles for good product design.
Simple Plan Gets Millions Running
South China Morning Press tells the story of Couch to 5K, the running schedule created by Big Medium’s Josh Clark.
Lori Richmond Started #ViewFromMyRun To Merge Her Two Passions
My studiomate Lori Richmond was featured in Runner’s World for her inspired illustration project.
Vote Early and Often: My SXSW Talks
Got a second? I’m pitching talks for SXSW Interactive about delightful iPhone apps and playful fitness technology—and I need your vote.
Marathons, Makers, and Surviving the Dark Middle
In the dark middle of the race, runners need encouragement, reminders that they’re strong, that the finish is ahead: plausible, real, within reach.
No Pain, No Pain: The “Couch to 5K” and Humane Design
I wrote the “C25K” training program for new runners over a decade ago. Its philosophy overlaps neatly with my philosophy of software design.
A "Jogcast" for New Runners
My “couch to 5k” training plan for new runners is made even better by Robert Ullrey’s podcast version.
Long Road Ahead: Motivation, Ambition and Daunting Projects
The Paris Marathon prompts your correspondent to ponder what makes creative people tick in adversity.