Design of AI: Sentient Design
Josh Clark and Veronika Kindred share the importance of design in shaping AI-powered experiences in this podcast conversation about Sentient Design, their new book, moving beyond the chatbot, generational views of technology, and much more.
Scaling Digital Strategy in Complex Organizations
On The Design Systems Podcast, Big Medium’s Josh Clark shares why complex organizations struggle to scale digital design and delivery—and why solving that is more important than ever in a period of economic uncertainty.
How Josh Clark Invented “Couch to 5K” and Helped Millions Start Running
Big Medium’s Josh Clark created the exercise schedule that got the world running. The BBC tells the story.
The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: How AI Will Affect UX Design
Adobe profiled and interviewed Big Medium’s Josh Clark about the opportunities and challenges facing UX designers in a world of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
ShopTalk: Brad Frost on a Global Design System
On the TalkShop podcast, Big Medium’s Brad Frost answers questions like: What is a global design system? Are two design systems ever the same? How would this slot inside atomic design? What has been the response from the web community to global design system as an idea? And what’s Frostapalooza?
“Pair Curiosity with Generosity”
Josh Clark joins Phil Burgess on the IT Career Energizer podcast to talk about crafting a healthy and fulfilling career in the industry.
Designing with Artificial Intelligence: The Dinosaur on a Surfboard
On the Presentable podcast, Josh Clark joins Jeff Veen to consider the role for designers in a world of algorithms and machine learning.
The Design System and Your Future Self
On the Style Guide podcast, Josh Clark shares how design systems are a kindness to your future self—and can make sense of emerging interactions, too.
Inc. on Mastering the Mobile Magic of a Mighty Big Medium
Inc. Magazine profiled and interviewed Big Medium’s Josh Clark about the elements of great mobile products (and the stuff we’re still getting wrong).
Sneak Peek: Magical UX and the Internet of Things
In an interview, Josh Clark previews his keynote for the Delight conference, explaining why magic yields more imaginative interfaces than technological inspiration.
Our Dysfunctional Obsession with Screens and Engagement profiled and interviewed Big Medium’s Josh Clark about the risks and opportunities of moving interactions off screen and into the world around us.